Tuesday, September 26, 2017

The Traveler-6: The Black Plague

"Will you cleanse the world for me", the Devil drawled...

I remember the night of the rain,  the shards of nature's fury,
Hitting across my face, as I rode.

I remember the night of the trade, an enticing piece of apatite,
The night I traded all pains for my soul.

The devil dressed in a purple haze, a dream I wished weren't true.

The words echoed, his voice glared, the darkness shrank to a corner,
A diabolic deal did I make, the devil smirked.

In exchange for my soul, I took a bite out of the forbidden knowledge,
I disappeared, as light engulfed me.

The devil dresses in a purple haze, a dream I wished weren't true.

I find my self seated, centre of attention, the spotlight of the day,
The future I present, the devil storied.

The future was bleak, wars, I recall, misery I try to forget,
The future is bleak, but a deal is a deal.

The devil dressed in a purple haze, a dream I wished were true.

One particular instance I do recall, misery he did foretell,
Death I do promise, he said.

A man I was introduced to, a traveller the devil, I recall,
A traveller from the silk route.

The devil dresses in a purple haze, silken dreams, I try to forget.

I talk to the man, devil incarnated, an apatite for destruction,
I was immortal, he would sneer.

Did you make a deal too, I would ask, a grin for a reply,
I hated him, for the knowledge foretold everything.

The devil dresses in sheep skin, a purple haze I try to forget.

I brought the sickness in my ships of immorality, ships of false promise,
I was a merchant of death, I hated his soul.

I brought death to the world, I cleansed the un-clean,
Do I hate him still, may be, I sighed.

The devil rides the chariot, the chariot of a purple haze.

I cleansed the world of wickedness,  or so I was told,  he chimed,
I cleaned the sin out of the world.

My immortality I traded for a better world, but at what expense,
A million souls lost to the darkness.

The devil reigns over your dreams, a purple haze.

I cleansed sins, the traveller sang, I cleansed the world.
I ridded the world of immorality.

I had a liking to him, wars were of a past while the plague lasted,
People turned to God, the world was better.

The wolf among sheep, a purple dream of haze.

Will you cleanse the world for me, the Devil drawled,
It has turned to wicked ways, he sang.

I was inclined to say a no, but what is immortality without power,
You are doing God's work, I was bribed.

The devil dressed in a purple haze, a nightmare I wished weren't true.

I remember my choice, as I became, one of the travellers,
A traveller in the Devil's catalogue.

I remember my choice, as I flew in a metal bird,
The deliverer of God's wrath, on a folk of innocent horde.

The devil tricked me, tricked me in my purple dream.

I remember my immortal pride taking a plunge from the skies,
As the cleansing of an era took toll,

Millions died, futures saw a distorted dream, I am guilty,
I am guilty, I sang, as the devil sew me to his soul.

The sheep in wolfs cloth, a dream of a purple haze.

-Scribbled by Tim

The Traveler - 1


Ravenclaw said...

Powerful! some lines are really beautiful!
"I remember my immortal pride taking a plunge from the skies..."
"I am guilty, I sang, as the devil sew me to his soul..."

I like how the devil is described as a "purple haze", "riding on a chariot", as if he were God. I like the characterization of the Devil, the humane weakness of the man, his choice and regrets. A pleasant read.

Ravenclaw said...

Is this about Hiroshima-Nagasaki? Is the "metal bird" a plane, the dropping of the atom bomb, the "cleansing"? :O

Ravenclaw said...

Though "cleansing" sounds something straight out of Hitler's mouth. Ofcourse my history is poor so unless I get pointers, I can't proceed.