Friday, March 3, 2017

The Chronicles of Lady Death - Ya'el

"Oh righteous woman, of the tribe of Kenites,
Let me rest my head for a while,
Lest I be captured, tortured  and killed,
For my iron-bound chariots are stuck,
Stuck at the nature's mercy"

"Oh righteous woman, of the tribe of Kenites,
Let me rest my head for a while,
My foot is sore, and my enemies close to heal,
For my iron-bound chariots are stuck,
Stuck at the nature's mercy"

"Oh righteous woman, of the tribe of Kenites,
Let me rest my head for a while,
I, Sisera, the commander of Jabin's army, am lost,
For my iron-bound chariots are stuck,
Stuck at the nature's mercy"

"I am Ya'el, of the tribe of Kenites,
The first wed of Heber,
You may rest, oh stranger, I plea, you rest,
For a prophecy looms in my shadows,
And the plague of death in yours"

"I am Ya'el, of the tribe of Kenites,
The first wed of Heber,
A blanket for your tired soul, oh sleep,
For a prophecy looms in my shadows,
And the plague of death in yours"

"I am Ya'el, of the tribe of Kenites,
The first wed of Heber,
A jug of milk, for your parched throat, drink
For a prophecy looms in my shadows,
And the plague of death in yours"

"I Deborah, the judge of the mighty,
And prophetess of the lost, says,
Raise your army oh Barak, raise it against Jabin,
Victory will be yours, against the mighty Sisera,
A victory honoured by a woman."

"I Deborah, the judge of the mighty,
And prophetess of the lost, says, 
The night would be rough and nature cruel, and behold
Victory will be yours, against the mighty Sisera,
A victory honoured by a woman."

"I Deborah, the judge of the mighty,
And prophetess of the lost, says, 
Cannan is yours, yours for the taking, and descry, 
Victory will be yours, against the mighty Sisera,
A victory honoured by a woman."

The hour struck late, and the prophecy fulfilled,
As sleep swept in Sisara's dreams,
A tent peg, in one hand, and mallet in other,
A strike, and two, victory followed,
As Ya'el drew the peg into Sisara's temples.

Ya'el (Jael) - Wiki


Ravenclaw said...

This is awesome! I like it best of all your works! It is so beautifully worded, enchantingly lyrical, full of mystique and that old world charm! Totally riveting!

Timothy Jude said...
