Friday, February 4, 2011


I sat on the chair bored playing the same chords over and over again on my guitar. My brain was working overtime, thinking what to do, concentrating on the playing part, and worried whether I would get sick sitting for this long on the chair. Thoughts are triggers, triggering the mind to do the unimaginable, and as I sat on my chair thinking I was triggering my mind into doing unimaginable things. Then I was fish, swimming through the vast openness of the sea, I wasn't a small fish, neither a really big one, just big enough to scare the bigger fishes. I was still wondering, how could I swim, I never knew how to swim, I was afraid of water. Then I was a bird. Soaring high up in the sky, flying in the clouds. I was a cheetah, running across the wide open tracts of savanna land. I see birds soaring up, trying to catch up with me. My mind is free. Now I am sitting in my class, listening to what my teacher has to say. She calls me up, asks me what is the amount of optimization provided by Huffman code. I am blank, I am scared, and I stand there facing her. The 12 year old in my brain wants to be free. I let him free. "Ma'am I want to pee", The class bursts into laughter. I am asleep now, sleeping in the comfort of my bed. I wish I had slept more, but the sleep is something I am missing. Dreams come and dreams go, but still I want to dream more. Thoughts are bad, they trigger an uneventful chain of memories and insignificant results. I am bored, I sit by the sea, listening to the waves crashing on the rocky shore. Waves sooth my ticked off nerves. I am child again, I am me again. I get up from my chair and put my guitar aside. The nature calls me, and I need to go to it, to be one with it. I pick up my jogging shoes, and walk out, leaving my chair and my guitar alone.


Ravenclaw said...

awesome!!! excruciatingly candid n strait from the heart!!! as if i got a peek into ur mind!!!!