Sunday, April 12, 2015

Chiruthevi: The Vengeance

"Death awarded at the hands of the one she loved, reborn a bewitching damsel,  to waylay men with her beauty and to drink their blood ..."

Do you lust for my soul,
Or my malice filled beauty.
Lay your heart out, let me suckle,
Lay your life out, let me bathe.

My tears laugh at your pain,
The scars arouse me, embalm me,
Let your wounds talk, let them kiss me,
As I submerge in your passion.

I see your fiery eyes, locked on me,
The scars did little to quench your ardor,
And as the last of the reds flee,
I relinquish my fury,  my heart drunk yet sober.

Its my heart's content that I seek,
Vengeance, long forgotten, yet,
My alluring words, a kiss so bleak ,
As your sweat ichor fuels my youth.

Why did you betray, my love.
Why did the noose tighten,
Why was I reborn,
To suckle on the life of men.


Ravenclaw said...

:O sexy powerful rocking!!!