Tuesday, February 25, 2020

The Singularity Theory

Excerpts from Dr Nathaniel's Journals

19 September 3001

How much would you let your ego to blind the scientist in you. How much hubris would lead to your downfall. On this day, captain Marcus, on the behalf of ESRA had asked me to accompany him, to try to save my friend and colleague, Tim. Tim was a brilliant scientist, who eventually fell victim to his own blinded pursuit of the holy grail - The Singularity. I don't blame him for his downfall, I would have wounded down the same path, if my resolve was as strong as his, but today, I stand at the other side of the mirror, bidding farewell to my friend, as he takes the plunge. My heart pains, I failed, to save his soul. I could not save him.
He along with the crew of Rocinante, lay resting in their icy graves, and I bid farewell to them.

Excerpts from Rocinante's Radio Logs.

18 September 3001

'Its a flawed theory', the words still had a ring to it. I was not a person to be bogged down by criticism, especially when I am hell bent on proving my self right. Nate seemed to be supportive of my theory, but a human he is too. He backed out from the expedition. Now its me, and my trustee Rocinante, my space shuttle, the first space ship to transcend the space and time barrier.  We rattled through the blackness of the space, with only one thought in our heads, we have to reach Xerma.

It all started with a thought experiment, which Nate was of full support, but latter had the audacity to back out from.

I dare you Dr. Nathaniel, grow a backbone, stand up against the establishment, as I did. Did you forget the success we had at Sercious? Did you forget, how we managed to prove that we could indeed teleport? But, no, you had to backstab me, leave me alone, and here I am in my pursuit of knowledge. I will prove to the world that it indeed is possible for a human to teleport, and for this I travel to Xerma. You did say that black holes are not the best vessels for teleportation, and that they just push you back in time. But how do you explain our success at Sercious, we found the rover which we shot into the Black hole at Sercious, 10 Million light years away, and that too instantaneously. I say, Dr. Nathaniel, you have your theories all muddled up, its not me, who is full of hubris, but you.
I still stand by my truth. Black Holes can be used as portals, and these portals were set up here by God for us humans to be the masters of the universe, to explore and to reach the far off ends of this unexplored expanse of darkness. Today as the world witnesses me, I will take the plunge of faith.

Witness me.

Excerpts from ESRA-Reckon Ship Radio Logs

18 September 3001

12:00:10: 'We have sighting of Rocinante, crew be advised of the approaching Black Hole gravity'

12:01:30: 'Rocinante is headed for the Event Horizon, awaiting orders to pursue.'

12:01:50: 'Crew be advised, stay course, and observe. Do not engage'

12:03:20: 'Rocinante is accelerating into the black hole. Visuals lost, relying on radio signature.

12:03:40: 'Radio signature Lost. Rocinante is Lost.'

12:03:50: 'Rocinante is officially lost into the Black Hole at Xerma'

12:04:10: 'Rocinante radio signature detected in Sector 40, Rocinante is back on the radar, Set course to sector 40'.

12:05:00: 'Nate here, its futile to pursue Rocinante, they are 40 million light years away. Nate Out'

12:05:30: 'Survivors are the priority, set course to sector 40'

12:06:00: 'Captain, you do not understand, Rocinante existed 40 million years ago, We just lost Rocinante to the Big Bang . Nate Out'

The Traveler-7: The Singularity

The Singularity is the past and the future of the universe...

The leather clad journal thus spake,

His frame shrivelled, form intact, spirit broken,
A man not from our time, floated free.

Clad in white, the first contact ours,
'Earth speaking, speak to us',
'I am lost in space, help me home'.

A gentle tug, a forceful push,
His frame broke free,
Floating like a feather, he fell,
Into the earths cradle he fell,
'Home I believe', he sighed a relief.

He spoke, a feeble cry, words heavy with solitude.

'I have been lost, I believe',
He settled a bit, comfort I think he sought.

I could see pain in his enlightened spirit,
As he searched for his world, eyes racing,
Then his gaze dropped, despair I believe.

'This is not my home', at length he spoke,
'A fool I am to believe otherwise',
'I have transcended space and time', he sighed,
'Travelled through worlds, hoping it to be mine',
'But, alas, time beat me to it yet again', he smiled.