Tuesday, February 14, 2017

The Chronicles of Lady Death - Prologue

Hold still my love,
Let me caress your dying breath.
Hear my heart beat,
In wail of the approaching death.

Hold still my love,
Let me caress the amber sun,
I promised love, 
Ah, pain of the departed one.

My heart raises in fury,
My heart burns with anguish,
The sight of you, my love,
Hell maketh best,  I wish.

Hold still my love,
Let my anger burn down valleys,
Hear my silent plea,
Oh death, I cherish my malice.

A child lost, a love lost, 
My love, I daresay,
I shall burn the cities,
I shall parade them in hearse. 

The Chronicles of Lady Death.


Ravenclaw said...

Apart from CARESS, i love love love love it to bits!!! It's beautiful and magical and really just plain lovely!

Tim said...
